Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 8 Daily Manna

"I've touched the hem of Your garment, and I have felt the leading of Your hand. But today my eyes look much higher, to see the face of the Great I Am, More of You Jesus!
This is one of my favorites songs, but today something occurred to me as I reflected on the words of this song and Matthew 25:35-40 where Jesus is talking about whatever we do for the least we do for Him. We want more of Jesus, and somehow I think we believe that this requires more on His part. We want to see God move, yet I think we will see more of Him and His glory when WE MOVE! What are we missing in our fellowship with God. Well this scripture spells it out very clearly. When we give our lunch or snack to the guy standing at the exit ramp with the sign that says "Hungry", we give unto Him. This is more of Jesus. When we love the old lady down the street that doesn't seem to have many visitors, we are loving Him. This is more of Jesus. When we show up to help groups like Urban Trec on a Thursday afternoon and go out and give food to the homeless, we are feeding Him. This is more of Jesus. When we look into the eyes of the cashier at Walmart, who is probably working 3 jobs to make ends meet, and smile and say "How are you doing today?' We are looking at Him. This is more of Jesus. So many opportunities we pass by everyday that would bring More of Jesus into our lives. We, the church, want more of Jesus and for God to show up and do something amazing. Well, He already has!!!! We are redeemed aren't you? For me, it's obvious loving Maggie Mae and bringing her into our home is walking this out; however, this is not the end. Today as I walk the streets and encounter store owners who are pushing me hard to buy something, I have a choice. I can get frustrated and leave, or spend some time breathing the breath of Life in their store. His presence and glory will fill that place because He is with me. More of you Jesus, More of your face, as I see you in the faces of the people all around me!

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