Wednesday, August 4, 2010

We had a great time this past week on vacation with Maw Maw and Paw Paw at Lake Martin.  It was so relaxing and the kids all had such a great time.  Maggie Mae really felt comfortable with Maw Maw, especially after that bag of suckers :):):)  I really think she could have had anything she wanted:):):)  She went to Maw Maw and stayed with her for a long time which was a great treat for Mommy.  She loved the "wake" and the boat.  She did great wearing her "wife jacket" too!  She recognized Aunt Cheyenne every time she talked to her.  We really saw her blossom around the family.  Late nights, short naps, and she was always happy.  Such fun memories.
In addition to last week, two weeks ago, she really fell in love with her daddy.  She asks for him all the time, goes to him when she's in my arms, and he loves when she says 'find my daddy".  So between loving her daddy and loving her Maw Maw, mommy feels like she has been on vacation for the past two weeks!
Well, now we are back to reality, Maw Maw is in south Alabama and daddy is in Memphis.  Needless to say, Maggie Mae is bored without so many people to entertain.  We went to the low vision specialist in Birmingham on Monday and were very encouraged.  We have said all along we felt like her vision was improving since we have been home.  The Dr. agreed, and she felt like Maggie Mae would be able to read large print one day.  We really thought she was going to need a lot of special assistance with school, mobility, and just life in general.  We are taking it one day at a time, but are so encouraged that so many people with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia lead fairly normal lives.  Not so sure driving will be in her future, but hey  I guess mommy will just have to buy that convertible to drive her around in:):):)  
Our plan at this point is to learn 4 shapes, and when she masters that, we go back to Birmingham to have her acuity measured.  Then we'll see what the next step is.  
In thinking about what God has been up to, I am focusing a lot lately on my perspective vs. His.  We prayed and believed that God could heal Maggie Mae.  When we picked her up and they told us she  couldn't see anything, I have to admit, I was discouraged.  However, 5 months later, I have seen so much improvement in her sight, that I must acknowledge His work in her life.  My expectation was instant healing, His is a process.  There is so much that Dexter and I are learning about walking through uncharted woods and laying down our expectations and walking in His unconditional love.  It's amazing how He is using this sweet little girl to teach us so much.  I have to admit, at times it has not been fun; however, after laying down my ability to push through things, and allowing His power to work through me, I have to say it is all worth it.