It's Final! She is ours FOREVER!!!! |
Miss Priss on a mission |
"I wonder if daddy is looking" |
"Huuumm, what does this taste like" |
Yes, it's dog poo:( |
Yes she is double fisted! |
1st day of school and raisin toast! |
Puzzle time with daddy! |
Every month we see changes in our lives, our hearts, and our sweet Maggie Mae. Her personality is merging quickly, and she is definitely a funny, funny girl. We just keep falling more and more in love with her, if that's possible! She started playschool last week. She goes to school on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Her class has an international flair, with China, Korea and India being represented. Her low vision does not seem to be holding her back at all. Yesterday her teachers were so impressed with her on the playground. She went up and down the slide on her own. She loves play dough, puzzles, and the home living center. Tuesday, I walked in and one of her teachers was showing her how to iron. She can sing her ABCs and count to 10. She is very smart and pays attention to everything. Her brothers and sisters love getting her to say all kinds of things! It's amazing what she learns in the car while mommy is in the grocery store:), like "wuz up", "ha ha ha ha, stayin alive, stayin alive", "that's the way uh huh uh huh", oh and the list goes on and on. She definitely is entertaining to all. She has been staying at home some with Tony while mom is at work, and he thinks she is the easiest "kid" to take care of. What an incredible big brother she has, and yes she looooooves Tony. I think he's pretty fond of her too! She is the ultimate fan at baseball and football games. She listens to everything the crowd is shouting and joins right in to cheer on Parker and Camden. Bath time with Sissy is one of her favorite times of the day. There is a lot of giggling going on in there. She is learning to pray, and when you are praying too long she will quickly chime in an "Amen":)
I am continually in awe of all the Lord is doing in our lives. So much of what I am learning now it to Trust Him and to Be Still. For those of you that know me, I am a doer, so this is uncharted woods for me. I think we sometimes mistake being still with doing nothing. However, that is not the case with the Lord. I am to be still so I can hear His voice as He guides me to the next step. If I am so busy trying to do things FOR Him, I miss out on being WITH Him. Sometimes, I miss that and start plowing through something, but I am learning that it is okay, He is not disappointed in me, and He gets me back on track. Circumstances both good and bad, come and go in our lives, but one thing is always true, He is in the middle of it all. We don't like being in the mire and clay or in the wilderness, but that is where He meets us and does foundational work in our hearts. Walking in His Kingdom is beyond our understanding, but it is an incredible journey!