As of September 27th, we are officially logged into to CCAA in China. What that means is they have our stuff and let the paper route begin. It should take 3-4 months for our papers to get approved and a Letter Seeking Confirmation sent to us. When we sign and return that letter, we will be traveling within 8 weeks. So for now we are looking at Feb. or March for travel!!!!!
We had a great day out picking up trash in Macon County. We are so thankful to all that came out and helped that day. The Pancake Breakfast was a huge success thanks to the Magdon family. In addition, the Pike Road Arts and Crafts Festival was fun and we shared our story for about 7 hours, literally. Spiritually and financially, it was more than Dexter and I could have ever imagined. God's story is an incredible one and people need to hear what He is doing now, not just what He has done in the past. He is the same today as yesterday and will be the same tomorrow. He is the only constant thing we have. Speaking of constant, we are experiencing a constant flow of support for the rest of our fees and travels. We are now officially all going to China thanks to a generous family member who is going to pay for our trip. This is a huge blessing for our children to meet their sister with us and get to experience this culture first hand. It will be awesome having our children with us!!!
So for now, we wait and continue to seek God on how He wants us to raise the remaining $10, 845. So far to date, He has provided over $12,000 through fundraisers and individual donations!!!!!
Many have asked if the other agency in Florida has returned our money. We have not heard anything from them other than promises they are not keeping. However, the Lord revealed something to me the other day that has brought a renewed perspective on this. I have been walking by faith throughout this process believing He will provide; however, that promise of the $11,000 from Florida was like an insurance policy in my back pocket. The other day, after having a meltdown over their dishonesty and avoidance of us, I sensed in my spirit the Lord telling me to let it go, and rely totally on Him. You see I thought I was relying solely on Him, but somewhere I believed the lie that "if God doesn't come through then you always have the money they owe you." Well there is no IF with God. He has a perfect plan that is His, and He will see to it that His plan prevails. So once again, God is teaching me so much about following Him recklessly and abandoned from the ways of this world.
I close with this scripture that I have been meditating on and cannot seem to move from it. It happens in the throne room of God and I can't imagine being anywhere else, "Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come." Revelation 4:8
Hey there! It's been a while since I checked in on blogger, but I wanted to
pop in and
remind anyone who might still come by this blog that I've moved t...
11 years ago
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