pringles. It kind of felt like home. So many people travel to visit this place. It is very famous. When we got back to the hotel Maggie Mae began a 3 hour crying fit. She wants to just sit in my arms and sleep and we want her to sleep tonight! Finally Daddy decided if she's screaming for no reason, she might as well scream in his arms. He took her for a walk down stairs, literally down 10 flights of stairs. He said she screamed all the way down. BUT on the way back up at about the 5th floor he said she gave a big sigh and gave up. She stayed in his arms cuddling for about 45 minutes even when he was in the same room as me. PRAISE THE LORD! Big step. Then she went to Sarah-Gracen for a while, even pushed me away when I got near. Now we are getting ready to eat and go to bed. Tomorrow we get her passport and fly to Guangzhou. Hopefully the doctor will be able to decide about her ear because she has pulled on it all day again, and we've given her 3 of the 5 doses of Zmax.
So many of you have encouraged us in so many incredible ways since we've been here. The common thing I hear is give it some time. I guess when you're in the middle of this, that's a hard perspective to take. I was thinking a lot while driving, no let me rephrase that, while riding in the van today. Rejection is big deal. I was pondering how long it has taken me to finally trust and receive love from others after being rejected. God was so patient with me and so was my husband and close friends. Sometimes we have to walk through something ourselves to be able to help someone else. One of my deepest desires for my kids is to walk in the love, trust and acceptance of their Lord Jesus Christ. I love them with every part of my being and will never reject them, but their significance must be established through their relationship with Jesus. Until tomorrow!
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