Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Reflections of Reality

Time flies when you are running an infirmary in your home:):) Ever since we've been home, someone has be sick with the flu. We have shared it with the Hufham household also, and we are so sorry!!!!!! Other than the flu epidemic, life is resuming. I won't say to normal because normal is just the setting on the dryer:) Parker did very well getting his makeup work done and has caught up and done very well. He thinks he needs to leave the country more often, hahaha! Baseball has begun and we won our first tournament. So proud of the integrity of our coaches, players and families. This is going to be a fun year of travel ball. Sarah-Gracen and Camden are trying to get back into a routine of homeschool, but we are finding it a little hard to do school with a two year old running around. They are greatly enjoying the distraction:):) Tony is still looking for a job; however, he is the latest victim of the flu and is miserable. Dexter is still trying to catch up with work and coach baseball and help me. He and Maggie Mae had a great morning Sunday. I went to church and he stayed home with her because Camden was sick. They had a good time, and he discovered she loves to swing and she loves the dogs. God is answering our prayer and that bond is beginning to happen.
I know you all want to know how Maggie Mae is doing, so I'll give you a quick update. She is happy most of the time. She can get around the house with no problem. She is especially good at finding the bear mount and digging all the moss out of the bottom. Bedtime happens to be her favorite. She loves her crib, and she loves to sleep. I have to wake her up every morning around 9am, she naps from 1-4, and then goes to bed at about 8:30. She is waking up in the middle of the night, but only to play, and not needing us. She loves to eat, especially Cheerios.
Yesterday we had our first doctor's appointment with the Pediatric Ophthalmolgist in Birmingham. He confirmed the original diagnosis of Primary Optic Nerve Atrophy. She has about 20/200 vision, which is considered legally blind. He did say her vision at this point was functional, and we will only know if it will deteriorate over time. He believes she was born this way. His exact words were, "God just made her this way for whatever reason." We were very impressed with him and his plan. Right now we are scheduled for an MRI of the brain at Children's Hospital in Birmingham. He wants to see the rest of the optic nerve and rule out any cysts or tumors. He also wants to have a good look at the brain, since we don't have any history of her. On March 8th, we see the International Adoption Pediatrician in Birmingham for a head to toe assessment.
So how are we doing with all this? I'm not sure I can find a word that describes our emotions; however, I will say that we knew all this was a possibility, and now it's a reality. I have praying for God to show me how to pray. I'm not sure what to do at this point in seeking Him, so I am relying on the Holy Spirit to show me what to pray. Earlier today I was processing some of this, and this is what He showed me. We look at this as she has lost something. We grieve for her loss. BUT God reminded me that she was born this way. She has never known anything but this. Most importantly, she hasn't lost anything. She has gained a family who will introduce her to Jesus who has a Hope and a Future for her life. We get to see life through a completely different perspective now. We were talking with the kids last night, and I thought about what our first hiking trip to Oak Mountain with her would be like. I told them that we will have to watch out close for her because of the roots and rocks etc. BUT, this will cause us to see things we might have missed along the way, feel things we might not have ever touched, hear the beauty of His creation, and smell the goodness of the Lord. I was so encouraged by this. Will it be easy? No, but once again, I am reminded that He never promised us that following Him would be easy, but He did promise to never leave us or forsake us. So we are praising Him that she can see some, and that other than her eyesight, she is a healthy little girl who is filled with LIFE. Her laughter is contagious, and we are falling desperately in love with her.


Unknown said...

What an adventure! For ALL of you...and how God has blessed her...her life is a 180 of what it would have been! God is GOOD! Blessings!

Jenni said...

Life for Maggie Mae will NEVER be the same...and that is such a blessing for her...and we are so lucky to be in on it! God has richly blessed her with a loving earthly family in addition to a Heavenly Father who adores her!
Thanks for keeping us updated on her progress and prayer needs. I am continuing to pray for complete healing! Will he? I don't know...BUT I know he CAN! So we will continue to pray....and hope...and expect great things!

Between You and Me said...

beautiful. Maggie Mae's story continues to make me cry...joyful tears. God is good. She was handpicked for your all were handpicked for her. It is exactly as it is supposed to be.

Not long now until we see your faces.

always praying continually for all of you,